Wellbeing, Health and Whanau
We believe there is more that can be done.
The Ted Manson Foundation is committed to investment in areas of wellbeing, health, and whanau, with a focus on improving the overall wellbeing of New Zealanders and reduce inequalities.
We are particularly focussed on Māori, Pacific peoples, low-income and disadvantaged New Zealanders. The distribution of and access to material resources within these socially disadvantage groups leads to poorer health outcomes, greater exposure to health and wellbeing risks and ultimately reduced access to health services.
We believe there is more that can be done to create the conditions necessary for improved wellbeing in families, whanau and the community.
Some of the areas we support
Thriving youth/ supporting at risk children
Improved access to primary health services including mental health services
Youth transformation services/programmes
Community led initiatives
Support services or programmes to the benefit of the community
Improved equity and wellbeing as Māori and as Pacific peoples
Programmes and initiatives to reduce family violence